Welcome to the new TFC!
For those of you who have been here since the beginning (when my site was all about grad school and my school projects) welcome back and for the new subbies, we welcome you.
This is an updated reimagined space for all my new projects now that I am out of grad school and I can enjoy life with my camera in hand without grades hanging over my head. It was a long 3 years but it’s over.
Pivoting is one hell of a thang, to say I was scared and nervous to start over is an understatement. Literally, my ankles were shaking in my heels. My site has been on the back burner for almost a year. I was going back and forth with myself on how to make TFC make sense to the world when in fact it only needed to make sense to me and what I am trying to do with my art.
Here’s to all thangs…new!